Sunday, February 7, 2010

Is this considered false advertisement?

A few weeks ago I bought a book from, the seller was

Anyways, to make things short the ISBN they displayed was different then the ISBN of the book that I received. This means that some things are different, most notably the exercises that I need to do for homework.

Is this considered false advertisement?Is this considered false advertisement?
Based on the ads I see every day, I'm pretty sure NOTHING is considered false advertisement any more.

However, if cares to keep you as a customer, I'm sure they will respond to polite requests to exchange the book for the correct one.Is this considered false advertisement?
Rather than false advertisement, it may have just been a shipping error. Have you talked with them about the difference is ISBN's? Is the one you received a more current edition so they thought they were helping? Will your teacher accept the different exercises?

You haven't given us enough info to properly answer your question.
Yes, contact the seller ASAP.
Yes, return it for a refund.
That might be a bit of overkill; normally that term is used when the seller really intends to defraud you.

But it is a mistake, and you should be entitled to return the book for a correct copy or your money back.

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